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IP, Culture & Values

IP & Culture Erosion

In preparation for COVID-19 Lockdown lift  - What the changes have or will likely impact staff attitude towards returning to work. 


The dichotomy of working from home and erosion the company’s pool of IP


How not to sacrifice efficiency for identity


Loss of the company’s brand image and competitive advantage


Where’s the gold?

Mapping and Measuring the company across values, culture, service delivery, staff performance – and results.


Four health professionals provided a factual and inspirational evening looking at key health issues that affect leaders in the corporate world.

Recruitment and Selection

Four companies shared their views, methods and mistakes in this critical part of employee engagement

Employer of Choice

How to attract, select and retain – the best talent

All you can get for .75c

How strong would your service values be if you gained a significant – positive – market exposure from a .75c investment.  This programme is about service delivery that supports value, values and hits the bottom line.

Employment Law

Part 1:


 Guest Speaker – Colleen Hicks, Senior and long term Mediator with MBIE

Divas and Deviants

How to harness behaviours and attitudes into a power force for good and example, within the workplace


Guest speakers outlined methods they have used, or witnessed in their own companies here and overseas, and members discussed the likely impacts in their own environments.

How to improve the performance of your Top Performers

The  speakers shared models that have improved performance in their business, and create measurable results that increased peer drive, speed of outcome and positively impacted profitability.


Dave Munro: Fletcher EasySteel


Bruce Sullivan: Affinity Employer Services

Learning - How we do it now!

Online Machine Learning (OMS)

and Gamification 


Helen Reid from the Learning Hub who explained how OMS learning is effective.


Zsombor Pirok of Space Rock Games not only outlined how gamification stimulates learning, but also how it affects the psychology of people and thus can change attitudes that can build not only understanding, but culture and engagement.


Individualism and Diversity

How the needs and contributions of an individual impact the wider organisation.


What levels and methods of consideration and encouragement should be adopted, and when do we decide that the one may create a poison for the whole.

Employment Law

Part 2:


​Heather Robertson: The law in practical application

Design a Brain

Yes, you can design and rewire your brain!


​We discussed the science behind this and how it can be applied to the development of both people and leaders in the organisation.

What did you say?

Communication across different levels.  A workshop that demonstrated to CEO’s that what they say is ‘interpreted’ differently further down into the organisation.  Sometimes the message is diluted – sometimes entirely misunderstood.

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