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You have landed on this site because you are searching for leadership knowledge, and here you will find details of the programmes a unique group of business Leaders have participated in monthly since 2008.


As a no-charge programme it epitomises the essence of sharing of experiential, not theoretical, knowledge.


While we are not offering new memberships into the group, you are welcome to contact any of the members who have shared their profiles.  They will respond as they are able, given that each of them carry significant business enterprises.  Or you can email the Knowledge Network for assistance.


In the meantime, feel free to learn about this group, and to peruse the topics we have covered over these years.




Purpose and Practices of the Knowledge Network


An environment where real, raw and relevant experiential knowledge is shared between the members. 


Meeting monthly, members are exposed to new, changing or applied leadership practices, and discuss and debate, their relevancy and adoption to each of their businesses.  


No competitor to any member is admitted, ensuring a safe and confidential environment where members can speak freely, sharing different and sometimes disparate views, that open their minds to other and alternative leadership practices.




Members Code


Membership is based on each leader maintaining four criteria:


  • Share their knowledge and experience – everyone gives and receives freely 


  • Build trust with their fellows by regular attendance


  • Meet outside the forum to help another member if they have a knowledge base relevant 


  • Contribute to group charitable projects






Programmes engage the members in the following ways:


  • Leadership theory and practices derived from research material and guest speakers. Material is widely sourced from accredited authors through to Harvard University material; industry leaders through to start ups generators.


  • Workshops based on documented or devised case studies


  • Discussion groups that explore, dissect and debate specific topics


  • Membership advisory sessions - live case studies -  where a member will outline a specific problem they face and open it up for discussion.  We have solved issues from director disagreements and internal unrest, through to establishing new revenue lines for the members – and helping members confront their Black Swans.


The Knowledge Network does not network business, it networks knowledge.  It is a programme established by Heather Robertson, a business consultant of 25 years who sought to reduce ‘theoretical’ advice by engaging consultants who had experience within the discipline they advised.  Slowly this evolved to using clients to assist clients in the true spirit of shared experiential knowledge.


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